Keep Earth in Mind

In such difficult times with so much to hold our attention, let us not forget that our lives utterly depend on the well functioning of ecosystems across the world. Time is of the essence to stop rising temperatures in the oceans and consequently the atmosphere.

Dessication is evident everywhere even as flooding from heavy rains (a consequence of water vapor caused by heat), has taken out crops that the world depends upon and destroyed the lives of so many innocent people swept away in floods or buried in mud slides.

This July scientists recorded the highest average annual temperature rise since recorded history and most probably millenia of Earth’s history. Yet, it does not get our attention. Sea ice is melting, changing the Gulf Stream current, pushing it closer to the Atlantic coastline of America and transferring heat to cities all along the coastline. What does it mean for humanity? Europe depends on the Gulf Stream to heat the atmosphere during very cold winters. Will places which have been inhabited for thousands of years become unsuitable for human habitation? Places like London, Edinburgh, Paris, Madrid?

These are not just projections. We see the changes happening right now before our eyes. I am in Virginia Beach where temps have been in the 80s F when they should be in the 50-60s. I bet you have seen changes in your part of the world.

Temperature spike in 2023.

While we work and pray for peaceful resolutions to human conflicts here and abroad, let us be working simultaneously to stop investment in fossil fuel production and development. In the U.S. during 2021 and 2022, fossil fuel investments have more than doubled. It is a kind of insanity with greed at its roots and on the individual level a crass disregard for people and our kin.

Belief that super wealth can protect a few ultra rich human beings, think again. If you breathe, you will be affected. We are all in this together and we’ll all rise out of it together or not at all. Do eveything you can to reduce your cabon footprint but mostly get on the phone or show up at the offices of banks and congressional reps and demand action now to stop the insane grab for riches.

Here in the U.S. we must not elect climate deniers who spread misinformation nor should we elect traitors who still oppose the peaceful transfer of power and wish to destroy democratic institutions.

We have arrived at a cruicible in which everything that could go wrong has gone wrong. Pick your battle and jump to the fore. Call it what it is: sins against humanity and the Creation itself. On which side will you stand?

Massive changes in ecosystems recorded in deep water lakes in Canada.

Photo by Susan Feathers: Sonoran Desert near Catalina Mts. Tucson, Arizona.

War and Great Leadership During

You never know when a great leader may emerge among us but war brings that process along faster than at other times in history. It may seem an obvious statement but as I have observed President Joe Biden over the last week, I am convinced that he has risen to the needs of this moment in world history and in the political life of our country.

Photo by Susan Feathers

It could have gone many other ways, you know. We could have equilibrated on how to respond to the attack on Israel, even blamed them as some have done these last two weeks. Not Joe. He declared support for Israel to defend itself and the right to have a place on Earth that is theirs. But, he put larger concerns alongside that statement, reminding Israel to not make the mistake the U.S. did after 911 letting our deep sorrow and outrage at the tragic and loss of life as we all watched the twin towers implode and crumble. All those lives lost all those families and communities asunder. That is what Israel experienced and is continuing to experience as their family members and citizens are being held hostage (and Americans). The violations of Hamas in committing atrocities not seen in modern times, on babies, pregnant women, old people and youth. This is trauma with a life of its own. Intergeneration trauma that works its terrible consequences in the bodies and minds of survivors for decades or more.

I recall President George W. Bush dressed in fatigues on a warship declaring “job done” so irrationally and then the brutal “shock and awe” campaign on the people of Afghanistan and later Iraq. We never found any weapons of mass destruction. How we mistreated hostages at Guantanamo Bay prison… These reactions were the result of rage and anger and the feeling of being justified: an eye for an eye, “making the whole world blind” as Mahatmas Ghandi declared when the Hindu and Muslim in India raged against each other after the long British colonization and repression. Yes, we’ve all indulged our need for revenge but now, in a world in conflict and with fascist movements and leaders around the world pitted against democracies, Joe Biden cleared the air. Democracies must come together to defend freedom and self-determination. Biden reminded Americans of a higher purpose that while flawed, America is the country the world looks to when democracies are at risk. He talked to Americans about the need to end the divisions among us – without denigrating any party. He is showing restraint and calling us to respond to a higher calling, to remember who we are.

Clarity, compasssion, wise policy, practical direction – these are the hallmarks of Biden’s leadership in the face of what potentilly could erupt into a broader and complex multistate war. He reiterated this, repeating the caution. Strong leadership when needed most.

We hear about Biden’s age. Well, he demonstrated the only real tangible sign of his age: wisdom. I am so glad Joe Biden is in the leadership seat of our nation at this perilous time

Biden’s Statement on Hamas and Putin

For an astute analysis of the current moment, with an historian’s eye on global political relations, here is Heather Cox Richardson’s daily Letter to Americans. I also recommend her new book: Democracy Awakening.

10-27-23 Update: I am posting a suggested interview on CSPAN with Aaron David Miller for a indepth discussion of where the conflict may or could go from here. Very informative discussion. Thanks to wordwhit for the recommendation.

11=01=23 from today’s Letter to Americans by Heather Cox Richardson with this reference to the discussion. UpdateVox history of “How We Got Here” referring to the history of Palestine and Jewish people. I found this expanding as it shows the long history of how Palestine has been the subject of varying forces with their own intents, starting with Great Britain.

New Book for Hotter Times

The confluence of the climate emergency with the weakening of democracies across the world complicates a coordinated response by the world community to secure our future. Perhaps an outright failure may occur with irrevocable alteration of biological systems such that human life cannot be sustained.

Democracy in a Hotter Time examines the critical need for well functioning democracies to meet the challenges of climate change. It draws upon the wisdom of visionaries in science, politics, economy, and democracy who believe that democracy (dependent upon the people to decide what must be done rather than a dictator who acts from self-interest to stay in power) is key to responding to the climate emergency.

David Orr is the editor of the book and it was his participation that prompted me to read it. David is a leader in sustainable practices on college campuses and led that movement from his position at Oberlin College. His belief is that ecology is not just for science majors but embodies prinicples that are valid in all areas of our lives. His little book that asks What is Education For? made a profound impact on me as a public school science teacher and community college instructor of environmental science.

I am currently reading Democracy in a Hotter Time and so far it offers a way forward that has been missing for me in other books about responding to the climate crisis, specifically it brings attention to the fact that our response has to be much broader than addressing the end result – a safer environment. The contributors call us to consider justice, values and policies – how we live together here and abroad. They question many practices and beliefs that have heretofore defined America. If you have time to read Orr’s article linked above, you will understand this new and more comprehensive approach to theproblems we face together.

Read the Kirkus Review of the book here.