Everything at Stake

COP26 requires the USA, the biggest emitter of GHG per person in the world, to arrive with real commitments from our nation to do our fair share of actions that will keep humankind’s contributions to heating the Earth below 1.5 degrees centigrade global average. Even then, heating will not be evenly distributed as we see now, with many areas already experiencing extreme heat and humidity. Read IPCC Physical Science Report.

Still we have congressional leaders who act as if this is negotiable. The science tells another story. But, who is listening, truly? Countries who have contributed little to the GHG problem but due to geographical location and political/economic conditions within their nations are feeling it more — they are not only listening but speaking, especially to Americans.

Youth are paying attention and watching their future slip away in the haggling morass of the U.S. Congress, and the vitriol and divisiveness of so much of our national press. Turn it off. Listen to good music, take care of yourself and family and community. Plan for solutions to be very local. Turn to each other, wherever you live, and secure each other’s welfare.

Do all you can as citizens to move our leaders to action and to protect this Republic from the assault on its democratic institutions. Beyond that, you can analyze how you can become more resilient to coming climate challenges. Secure what you can for yourself and your family. And just keep on working with your legislators and social movers on the hope that good will win over evil. And then turn to your loved ones and friends and all whom you can possibly encourage or assist, and celebrate love, friendship, and the blessings of our Creator, however you understand Her.

Enjoy walking, feed the birds, care for trees and plant more in your location, and support all the efforts toward a just and safe world. Reciprocity is the basic and golden principle of life on Earth. Give and receive, back and forth, with joy and firm belief this is the only sure path at anytime, but especially at this moment in time and place. God bless you all!

Photo by Susan Feathers in Bowling Green, Kentucky at the Soccer Park. Thank God we saved these trees. They come bearing gifts for all life. Let us defend them with our lives.

COP26 Goals

COP26 will begin this coming Sunday in Glasgow, Scotland. Read the major goals of the conference here.

See this informative paper that explains the COP26 and the path to Glasgow. It is a hopeful but realistic summary of where we are and what is at stake now. Good way to get ready for following the gathering of world leaders.

When in doubt, do something

This adage is one that Harry Chapin used and exemplified during his short but consequential life. As I’ve lived into my 70s, four decades more than Harry got, his words resonate more than in 1981 when I learned he had died in a car accident on Long Island where he and his family lived.

Harry’s musicality and folk music became known to me at the time he left this reality for the one beyond. My community of Croton-on-Hudson, New York, was in the final preparations for the first Run Against Hunger–a 10K footrace up over the Croton Dam and winding down along the Croton River past the New York Aqueduct, into the hamlet of 6,000 residents.

My neighbor called me. He had produced some of Harry’s early records and was stunned and sad at Harry’s passing. Would we make the Run a memorial to Harry’s memory? he asked, and offered to pay for the t-shirts for the inaugural race. The Harry Chapin Memorial Run Against Hunger was born that day, with members of the Chapin family attending the first race, and 41 years later the 10K and fun run is an institution.

The point being, you never know what you might set into motion that may take root and grow in the hearts of thousands, even a whole community. In this way, the race has built a small medical facility, helped establish a farmer’s credit union, supported orphanages–all in Africa–and kept a local food bank alive and growing into one that works toward solutions to poverty.

The Harry Chapin Memorial Run Against Hunger will be run this year on October 17, Sunday, in Croton-on-Hudson coinciding with celebration of World Food Day as it has each year. If you are in the area, please go. The village is lovely, the area gorgeous, and the race inspiring. Walk the 3K or the fun run, or if you are able, run the 10K.

You never know where it might go …

Jack Kerouac in Florida

Never a time when Jack Kerouac is not essential reading.

Susan Feathers

Florida is still a mysterious place to me. It may be red neck, a senior haven, conservative, environmental disaster, but it is also sophisticated, energized, liberal, and gorgeous country more varied than any state in the union. I have discovered to my surprise that Florida is a haven for great writers. Riding home last night our public radio,WUWF, featured Bob Kealing—an Emmy award-winning journalist and author. Kealing wrote Jack Kerouac in Florida: Where the Road Ends to chronicle events in Kerouac’s life that are little known. Kealing as journalist found people who were close to Kerouac and was able to find manuscripts and letters that fill in blanks in the life of the beat generation’s guru. He also helped establish the Jack Kerouac house and writer’s residence in Orlando where Kerouac lived with his mother. Explore this site and then listen to Bob Kealing’s 25 minute presentation at University of…

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