American Aspirations

We cannot seek achievement for ourselves and forget about progress and prosperity for our community… Our ambitions must be broad enough to include the aspirations and needs of others, for their sakes and for our own.

Cesar Chavez

From the beginning, our nation stands firmly on the bedrock of equality and a system of governance of, by, and for the people.

Those we elect govern only with our consent.

Seeing through the storm of rhetoric and lies – everyone is depending on us to think and make a wise choice in the 2024 election.

I consider the words of Cesar Chavez as the clear vision of America, its hopes and dreams for our citizens and for people across the world. You can view our history as the struggle to realize our common aspirations. Along the way tyrants, baffoons, and artful dodgers have thrown lies and accusations at good people, like Joe Biden … people who tell the truth while the liers seek to topple him. He and his Cabinet work quietly and compentently on behalf of ALL the American people.

Smokescreen of Lies and Fabrications

Here we have a mob of rich contributors with eyes on how a (T)Rump presidency can line their pockets or achieve their sick dreams of making the public act and do as they see fit. We should all ascribe to one religion and we should all be bound by their notions of family and goodness. This is Unamerican and a path to the end of democracy. We have been warding off these people and forces for the whole of our history. Like ravenous predators, they eye Lady Liberty seeking to topple her.

Age and America

We do not generally revere seniors in this young nation. We still worship youth. So where are the younger candidtes? Have we made our politics so vile and vicious that potential young leaders shy away? I think in part that may be true and who would blame them? However, don’t judge a book by its cover. Joe is getting the job done with a strong Cabinet and his long vision. There are also a host of young Democratic leaders behind him. Consider Bill McKibben’s thoughts about Joe and whether a change could invigorate our leadership.

I’d rather have a Biden leading us in the coming years of crucial climate decisions while providing support and protection for the 90% of Americans dominated by a super wealthy elite. It is those same super rich who invest and skew our electoral system with the onerous Citizen’s United Supreme Court ruling that has made our elections so fraught and uncharacteristic of the good humor and deep debate from local to national politics that existed before corporations could fund candidates. Townhalls, discussion around a community gathering space — informal yet vibrant – I am old enough to remember this and my parents even more so when they were alive.

When I was a child, my parents were Republicans. I had a photo of Ike and Maime Eisenhower in my room. They held a high bar for behavior and respect and good sense. Nothing like the present day Repugs.

One last thing: This is not about God. This is about Reason, Compromise, and Truth.

Your destiny and mine are inextricably linked in a democracy. That is the challenge of this system of governing. We are all in or all out. (T)Rump and the MAGA Repugs want out and they plan to take all of us with them.

Think about it.

Author: Susan Feathers

Family, friends, nature, books, writing, a good pen and journal, freedom of thought, culture, and peaceful co-relations - these are the things that occupy my mind, my heart, my time...

4 thoughts on “American Aspirations”

  1. Right on the mark Susan as usual.Ā  Going to forward this to many people.Ā  Thanks for saying what needs to be said so well.



      1. Susan – This substack is golden!!Ā  Bill expresses my heart and then –Ā  I read his suggestion about gov Whitmer!!!!Ā  How can we make it happen?Ā  A massive write in campaign?Ā  Is such a thing even possible?Ā  Thank you for sharing! Ā 



      2. I think we wait a little to see what Joe and Jill decide. I’ve trusted their wisdom throughout the days of their admin and the terrific cabinet. I would give it nother two weeks….what do you think?


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