Extreme Heat: How to Measure Health Risk

The chart below shows the relative humidity and temperature and how they interplay to create lethal conditions such as heat stroke and death. See the second chart below which is in Celsius for recommendations to protect yourself.

National Weather Service health guidelines for extreme heat: https://www.weather.gov/safety/heat

Below is a similar chart in Celsius temperature readings. Scroll to the second page. SEE RECOMMENDED ACTIONS LISTED BY WET BULB TEMPERATURE.

Author: Susan Feathers

Family, friends, nature, books, writing, a good pen and journal, freedom of thought, culture, and peaceful co-relations - these are the things that occupy my mind, my heart, my time...

One thought on “Extreme Heat: How to Measure Health Risk”

  1. This is very practical for people especially at risk. I clicked on the chart which enlarged it making it easier to read. Thank you!


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