To live by moons

What would it be like to live by moons…or times of blooming, fruiting, migrations? What would it be like to know only what your eyes can see, fingers touch, the tongue to taste? To be prey and see oneself as another of the animals, a part of the garden? Was the Old Testament’s parable of Adam and Eve about that break? The tree of knowledge being a departure from an ecological mind?

Author: Susan Feathers

Family, friends, nature, books, writing, a good pen and journal, freedom of thought, culture, and peaceful co-relations - these are the things that occupy my mind, my heart, my time...

One thought on “To live by moons”

  1. Susan this poem highlighted our conversation about about loosing touch with nature. I was reminded of children in child care and after-school programs that are not allowed to be out of the sight of the caregiver. Necessary when you are caring for another’s child, but oh, the loss of the freedom to explore.

    In Praise of Hands

    by Stuart Kestenbaum

    It’s not just the people
    who live in the city

    who’ve lost the thread
    that ties them to the woven

    world of stones and earth,
    fields alive with pollen and wings.

    Who among us understands
    how oceans rise and fall,

    currents swirling around the planet
    with messages in bottles

    floating on the water.
    When the tide is out

    we can go to the shore
    dig clay with our bare hands

    and make something beautiful from it,
    a vessel with thin walls

    that holds a canyon.
    In both hands, like an offering,

    we can hold the memory
    of eroded stones and earth,

    eons contained in this empty bowl.
    We can fill it with water

    that reflects the sky that has
    witnessed everything since

    time began, we can drink and be blessed,


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