On the Trail, Again

img_4857Last week I began a long journey to promote my novel, Threshold, in Tucson and the Southwest.

I am currently setting up readings and book discussions. You can contact we here or on Facebook at Susan Lee Feathers to set up a reading.

Before actually heading west, I am at a writing residency in Sewanee, Tennessee at the Rivendell Writers’ Colony.

Rivendell Writers’ Colony is inspired by the literary legacy found in Sewanee, Tennessee. The Sewanee Review, which has published a long list of literary geniuses such as Flannery O’Connor, Wendell Berry, and T.S. Eliot, as well as many other prominent and promising writers, was founded in 1892 and is renowned as the nation’s oldest continually-published literary quarterly.

The work at Rivendell is fostered by its natural beauty and the coming and going of  writers who each demonstrate the range of “writing lives” among us.  Poets, short story writers, screen writers, and even serious readers.

The new book I am drafting at Rivendell takes place among groups of people living near the Colorado River from 1500 to 1998. These stories encompass the River People – original people of the river –  and the steamboat business that responded to the needs of settlers and gold seekers crossing to California. It follows the development of the river as a thoroughfare for supplies and a source of water to turn the desert into gardens, and to support the growth of cities.

Like Threshold, the novel focuses on the values of a people and how they impact the land beneath their feet. My inspiration for the book is based on personal experiences in Yuma, Arizona and the works of Aldo Leopold.


Author: Susan Feathers

Family, friends, nature, books, writing, a good pen and journal, freedom of thought, culture, and peaceful co-relations - these are the things that occupy my mind, my heart, my time...

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