How we solved climate change …

Get a cup of tea or java and prepare to listen to this insightful projection of how it happened. About 10 minutes.

From the great science fiction novelist and futurist, Kim Stanley Robinson, another salient message.

His recent book, The Ministry for the Future, rocked the world of people concerned about climate change. Why? Kim took on the gargantuan task of imagining how our country and the world community finally made the realization it could no longer live at odds with a living planet.

It is not a straight line by any means. But, Kim shows how the world came together to secure the biosphere from the vantage point of a person looking back to the terrible twenties from 2071.

Kim Stanley Robinson on TED TALK

This is our work.

Author: Susan Feathers

Family, friends, nature, books, writing, a good pen and journal, freedom of thought, culture, and peaceful co-relations - these are the things that occupy my mind, my heart, my time...

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